Monday, July 27, 2009
Emmy Mathews' London Summer
Monday, July 20, 2009
Natalie Herndon's Adventures in Costa Rica
I arrived in Costa Rica on June 13, and I'll be staying till August 15 (9 weeks)
Where are you living? Will you be traveling anywhere else?
Right now, I'm living in a house with my Costa Rican mom (Isabel). It's a really nice house compared to all the other houses here-- its very clean, and I have my own closet and bathroom. It's also great because a lot of Isabel's family lives really close by, so I've met a lot of people through them.
Well, it's been kind of crazy recently because the schools in Costa Rica were on vacation for the past two weeks, and now, because of the swine flu scare, they've shut down again. However, prior to these past two weeks, I would wake up early and eat breakfast with Isabel, then go to Spanish classes in the morning and receive Spanish instruction. We worked our way through grammar workbooks, talked about a couple of short stories, and talked about how daily life in Nicoya worked. Then, usually at around 2, I would leave the institute to start working at the Elementary School (The Cacique School of Nicoya) There, I worked with 4th 5th and 6th grades to help improve their English language instruction. We worked a lot with pronunciation, listening skills, and a little with writing, but not much. I love the kids, and I see them all over the place when I walk down the street-- No matter what, they always stop me and tell me how their days are and what they are doing. However, recently, because the schools have been shut down, the Institute where I received Spanish instruction decided to provide free english language instruction to the community. Currently, I'm assisting in the development of this project. Right now, I'm working as a receptionist, administrative assistant, curriculum planner, and next week, I'll be a teacher. It's been a pretty hectic week, but I'm so excited about next week, and all the kids that will be here. We've had a pretty big response from the community already, so I'm excited for the project to get under way.
What has been the best part of your trip so far?
So far, the best part of my trip has been my weekend getaway to Monteverde. I went with a couple of my friends to Monteverde (which is in the Cloud Forest) to go on a canopy tour of the rain forest. We did the Selvatura zipline tour and it was AWESOME! We were literally on top of a mountain in the middle of the clouds, flying through the air. We did one zip line that where the fog was so intense that you couldn’t see anything around you but the line about a foot in front of you… (we have a video of someone disappearing into the clouds, it’s pretty incredible) I was pretty scared when we first started going because we’re up EXTREMELY high, and there’s nothing really to hold onto except this skinny cable and a harness—but I’m so glad we did it.
What has been the most challenging part of your trip?
The most challenging part has been being away from my friends and family in the states--I absolutely love getting updates from everyone whenever I send out emails. However, my friends here have helped me out a lot with being lonely-- When Ellie left, I was a little sad, so a bunch of them called me and invited me to go watch the sunset over Nicoya on top of a mountain. That was really special to me.
Are there any things in particular that you miss from the U.S.?
There are two very specific things that I miss from the US. I miss air conditioning, and I miss my own bed. I used to really miss hot showers, but recently, it's been so hot that I really look forward to a nice cold shower in the evening.
I miss yall ssooooooo muuuuuucchhhhH!!!!! I can't wait to get back to Lex and hang out. KEEP ME UPDATED ON YOUR LIVES! I hope everyone is having an amazing summer, and I can't wait to get back to the states and see your shining faces :)
Love, Nat
Monday, July 13, 2009
Lauren Acker's Summer in Chile

- I had wanted to study abroad for a long time and I knew that this summer it would be especially difficult to find a job at home in Michigan so I began doing some research into abroad opportunities. I knew I wanted to travel in South America, since I have never been, so I began researching the various programs. I had three programs to choose from: Peru, Argentina and Chile. I heard from several people that Chileans are very welcoming and that Chile is a beautiful country, and I have found both statements to be true!

Monday, July 6, 2009
The Latest Update from 2007 Graduate Mallory Lobisser
In addition to coaching, I took a job at Dover Saddlery. Horses have always been my passion, but finding the time to be both a rider and a lacrosse player in college was never easy. Working at Dover gave me the opportunity to work with other people who love horses (not to mention a killer employee discount!). Being surrounded by “horse stuff” unlocked a long-suppressed desire to be a horse owner so last January, I became the proud owner of a Dutch-Warmblood colt named Benji (see photo).

Since then, I have gotten back in the show ring on another of my trainer’s horses (Puerto Rico – See photo) and passed the CPA exam. In September, I once again said goodbye to the barn back home and moved to Washington, DC. I began working for Deloitte & Touche out of the McLean, VA office and I am a staff auditor and my largest client is Fannie Mae (I am sure you can imagine how exciting that is…) Benji arrived at his new home in Virginia at the end of April 2009 and I don’t think he is missing Seattle one bit. It will be a long road to the show ring as Benji is just coming two years old, but the experience of working with a young horse has been amazing.