Caroline: My Father, Grandfather, 2 Uncles, and older brother all went to W&L. I always wanted to go here! Then I visited campus and met Brooke fall of my Junior year and I knew W&L was right for me. I struggled looking at other schools, because none of them seemed to fit as perfectly as W&L.
2.How is your second semester going so far?
Caroline: Second semester is going great and I love finally being in season. Fall Ball practice and SAQs (Speed, Agility, and Quickness Classes) were super hard to get through, and its great to get on the field. The spring weather is also making this semester more enjoyable. My Anthropology teacher conducted her lecture outside, and it is so nice to not have to bundle up for practice. It's amazing how quickly the semester is going and that finals are only weeks away!
3.What is the hardest thing you’ve had to adjust to as a college freshman?
Caroline: Everything seems to take so much more time than it used to. Anything, from cleaning my room to doing homework and even lacrosse, requires so many more steps and responsibilities. For example, when I clean my room it involves more than just keeping my room neat. I have to vacuum my floor and clean and iron my laundry, and keep everything very organized. I also really miss seeing my family. Family has always been really important to me, and its really hard not seeing my mother, father, 4 brothers. And of course, my yellow lab, Lilly.
4. What’s been the easiest?
Caroline: I love all the new friends that I've made. People really make an effort to get to know everyone here. I love going into the Dining Hall knowing I will be able to find someone to sit with. It is great to go to such a small school where it is easy to get to know so many people.
5. What are your hobbies outside of lacrosse?
Caroline: I love to swim. W&L luckily has a beautiful pool that I have used quite a few times. I also love to just drive around with friends. W&L is not only such a beautiful place to go to school, but it's also surrounded by a very picturesque landscape so it's always fun to simply sit outside with friends or read a book or go for a walk.
6. Where do you live on campus?
Caroline: I live in Graham-Lees Dorm where my Grandfather, Father, and Brother all lived before me. I think it's definitely the most fun place to live, because you really feel as though you live in the center of campus. Also, the people who live in Graham-Lees have a deep attachment to the dorm and pride that they live there. I requested it as soon as I got my housing form. It's also very nice to have Elizabeth Bucklee, another First-Year on the lacrosse team, living right down the hall from me!
7.Where is your favorite place to eat in Lexington?
Caroline: I love the Southern Inn for dinner. Their calamari is the best! Also the First-Years on the lacrosse team love to go to Wood's Creek Grocery and Blue Sky for lunch. Blue Sky has the best carrot cake and Wood's Creek Grocery has amazing hummus. For such a small town, Lexington has quite a few really good restaurants.

8.Is Lexington a lot different than where you’re from?
Caroline: Yes, Virginia in general is very different from New Jersey. I have never lived more than 45 minutes away from New York City in my life and Lexington, Virginia definitely has a much slower pace. Conversely, the weather, especially this winter, was a little too similar too N.J. It was really funny to see my friends from Memphis, Dallas, and Louisiana experience snow for the first time. Two of my friends actually mistook sidewalk salt for hail, because they had never seen sidewalk salt before. At first everyone was really excited for the snow, but pretty soon everyone grew very anxious for spring.
9. What are you most excited for this season?
Caroline: I love being a part of this team. We all genuinely love to hang out together. After our away games on Saturdays we all eat as much tailgate food as we possibly can, get on the bus, and talk about how excited we are to get back to Lexington and hang out with each other even more. I also love playing in games and challenging each other in practice. It really gives each of us a sense of accomplishment when we are successful after having put so much work into our game.