Alexis: This semester I'm studying abroad in Madrid, Spain. I've been here for two months so far and am completely in love with this city.
2.Do you live in an apartment or with a home-stay family?
2.Do you live in an apartment or with a home-stay family?
Alexis: I live in a home-stay with a great family. Most of my friends live with senoras, who are usually older women who live by themselves. For many of them, the only interaction with their senoras is when they cook for them. My situation is completely different. I live with a 65 year old artist, his 35 year old girlfriend, and their 5 year old son. It is very different because my padre stays at home, paints all day, and cooks our meals while my madre works all day and is not around much. I love having their son, Mateo, around because speaking with him has helped tremendously with learning the language.
3.What’s been the biggest adjustment to European/Spanish lifestyle?
Alexis: I think the biggest thing I have had to adjust to about the Spanish lifestyle is the Spanish lifestyle itself. They invade your personal space, spend hours everyday eating and drinking in the streets, are always dressed to impress and are completely relaxed about everything. Let's just say it has been an easy adjustment. 
4.What is your school schedule like and what classes are you taking?
4.What is your school schedule like and what classes are you taking?
Alexis: The first month that I was here I did an intensive month of Spanish language study. I had three classes: Culture, Conversation, and Grammar. After that month, we have had the option to take a combination of English and Spanish courses but I have stuck with just Spanish courses. I'm taking Art of the Museo del Prado, which is an art history class where we get to visit the Prado six Fridays during the semester. I'm also taking a contemporary Spanish novel class, a Spanish film class, and a 20th century Spanish theater class. They've all been really interesting so far and I am definitely getting used to not having class on Fridays. 
5.Have you met a lot of new people from different colleges and universities?

5.Have you met a lot of new people from different colleges and universities?
Alexis: I came here only knowing one other person so I have met a ton of new people which is great. My program, ISA, has kids from all over the country but most are from Colorado and California. I also go to an international university so there are kids in my classes from Denmark, England, Korea, Holland...
6.Have you been able to do a lot of travelling? If so, where have you gone?
6.Have you been able to do a lot of travelling? If so, where have you gone?
Alexis: One of the best parts about being in Europe is that it is so easy to hop on a plane or train and go to another country for the weekend. So far in Spain I have been to Barcelona, Salamanca, and Toledo and then out of the country to Germany, the Netherlands, and Morocco. Over the next 6 weeks I'm also going to Switzerland, Denmark, Italy, and possibly Prague.
7.What do you miss most about the U.S.?
Alexis: The one thing I miss sooo much about the US is being able to eat whatever I want, whenever I want. As all of my friends know, eating is my favorite pastime. I like to eat a lot all of the time, usually pretty healthy. Living in a Spanish home-stay has been really challenging for that reason. (Usual contents of the pantry: bread, corn flakes, weird fiber cookies, and cooking supplies/ Usual contents of the fridge: bologna, pieces of fruit or vegetables that either aren't ripe or are moldy, uncooked meat) For me, that's a problem because we only eat two meals a day: lunch at 330pm and dinner at 10pm. I have resorted to buying food at school when I am hungry throughout the day because the few times I have bought cereal, cold cuts, or eggs and kept them in the kitchen, someone else eats them. It really isn't that bad; I just like to vent. But I can honestly say that I may never eat white rice again after this semester...I also miss H Crew
8.Anything else you’d like Generals fans to know?
8.Anything else you’d like Generals fans to know?
Alexis: I can't wait to get back to Lex and see everyone!!