Yesterday, the Washington and Lee Women’s lacrosse team welcomed the newest member to join their roster, Maggie Reca. Maggie is a 14-year old young woman that the Generals have adopted through the Friends of Jaclyn Foundation. Friends of Jaclyn is a non-profit organization that connects children with pediatric brain cancer to collegiate teams. Without knowing Maggie’s story, you would never sense the numerous surgeries, chemo treatments, and MRIs that she has endured as her smile and love of life lit up the room when she met the Generals.
The afternoon pot-luck lunch was a great event and it was thrilling to meet Maggie and her family and welcome them to our team. The Generals are as excited as the Recas for the perspective, support, and inspiration that Maggie brings as the newest member of our lacrosse family!
To see Maggie’s website or journal please visit http://www.caringbridge.org/va/maggie/index.htm
For more information about the Friends of Jaclyn foundation please visit http://www.friendsofjaclyn.org/