1. What made you decide to study abroad in Austria?
-As a German major I really only had the choice of 3 locations (including Vienna) so the pickings were slim. Fortunately for me, as a business major also, one of the suggested programs actually WAS this program in Vienna because of the significantly wide variety of business and economics classes offered. So it was a no-brainer. Vienna it was.
2. What's the coolest thing you've done since you have arrived there?
-Well, I live in a 14 person penthouse apartment... so every day is basically the coolest day ever just because I get to wake up and eat breakfast on a terrace overlooking the entire city. I've gotten lost a few times, but tend to think I'm really cool when I can navigate the subway system and find my way home. There are a ton of open markets, and I've done some great bargaining to get all of my food to cook, but I think the coolest thing I will do abroad is coming up in 2 weeks when I go sky diving in Interlochen.
3. What's the best food you've eaten there?
-Oh my goodness, German food is SO good! A typical Viennese dish is called "pfandkuche suppe" and it is basically chopped up pancakes in chicken broth. It is random, but by far my favorite dish. That, and butter pretzels. Yuuuuummm.
4. What's the funniest thing that has happened to you?
-I tend to fall on the subway a lot. But really, I almost took out an old lady one time while I was trying to change a song on my iPod and the train took a sharp turn. I missed her head with my elbow by about 3 centimeters...
5. What is the biggest cultural difference?
-Well, all kinds of people: old, young, fat, ugly, gothic-- make out in public. All the time. And yet, I am the only one who seems to be embarrassed by that. That, and NOBODY j-walks. I got the meanest, nastiest glares from people the first 2 days I was here before I realized what I was doing wrong. There could be no cars for 4 miles, and STILL nobody would cross the street. Talk about an honor system!
6. Do most people know what lacrosse is or do you have to explain it to them?
-I have given up trying to explain lacrosse to people. Even some of the Americans in my program have no idea what lacrosse is. I've resorted to saying "I play a lot of sports". If they are interested beyond that phrase, I just say I play soccer... But there IS a girls team at the University of Vienna. I was going to try and play, but unfortunately I have class when they practice... :(
7. What do you miss most about W&L?
-The people. I miss sitting and talking at lunch with everyone and knowing what is going on at school and in the world. I feel slightly disconnected here, except for politics. Austrians have their own election coming up on September 29th, and yet all they seem to talk about is Sarah Palin and the American election. I guess we're just that interesting...
8. Anything you want to say to the laxers?
-L4L and Love the process! I can't wait to see you in this winter! I MISS YOU ALL!!!
9. Any other comments?
-I think if W&L wasn't such an amazing school, and I didn't have lacrosse to look forward to, I don't think I would ever leave; I am having SO MUCH FUN! But I would kill for a nice juicy cheeseburger and a quesadilla. They don’t seem to have any of these food over here!
P.S. The picture is where I go running everyday. It is called the Schönbrunn Palace, and it was the Hapsburgs summer palace. They have gardens and trails for miles and a long winding uphill trail that leads up to the "glorriette"--a war memorial dedicated to "just war" which leads to peace after The War of Austrian Succession and the 7 years war. I'm standing next to the Gloriette looking down at the palace in this picture. This beautiful area is about a 5 minute jog from my apartment... I love life.