Name: Alexis Harrison
Class: 2012
Hometown: Rumson, NJ
High School: Rumson Fair Haven High School
Uniform: 25
Potential Major:
Economics and Spanish
Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite Color: Orange
What led you to attend and play lacrosse at W&L?
-I received an email about the February high school clinic. I hadn’t heard of W&L before but I figured I would come down and check it out. The rest is history.
So far, what’s been the best part of being a Generals lacrosse player?
-The best part has been getting to know a group of girls that I probably would not have become so close with otherwise. The team is like a family, and I’m happy for the chance to be a part of it all.
What has the best food been so far at the elaborate post-game tailgates?
-My favorite foods so far have been the fresh fruit and the chocolate chip cookies that Bene and I devoured at the St. Mary’s tailgate and then afterwards in her room.
Besides lacrosse, what it your favorite activity you have done on campus?
-I had an amazing time on my pre-orientation trip. Despite that it rained the whole time and we were hiking what seemed like a billion miles uphill everyday, I met a few kids that I am still really close with and I had a lot of fun. It was definitely a good way to transition from living at home to being away at college.
What is your favorite book? Why?
-The Time Travelers Wife, because I like how the author spins the concept of time travel to be a genetic disorder instead of a gift. And I have a weakness for mushy love stories.
What was the last movie you watched?
-Valentin. I had to watch it for my Spanish class, and it turned out to be way better than I had expected. Both Maddie and I saw it for our Spanish classes, and we fell in love with the little boy who tells the story.
Do you have any exciting plans for the upcoming summer?
-I don’t think I’m doing anything too exciting this summer because I really want to be home with my family and friends. I will probably teach tennis lessons and go to the beach a lot.
Any other fun facts about yourself you’d like to share?
-I've been skiing since I was 4 years-old. I’m a Ravenclaw!!!