After taking professor Beckley’s Poverty and Human Capability seminar freshman fall, I knew I wanted to get involved in the Shepherd Program. Professor Beckley’s class was so interesting and I really felt like I learned a lot about our country just by studying policies and experiences. Also, Beckley is just a great professor and person to get to know. I am actually minoring in poverty studies, and that is how I discovered this internship. For many years, Camden has had an extreme poverty rate and has been at the top of the ‘most dangerous cities’ list, so there is definitely a lot that needs to be done. The company I am working for is a development company that is trying to revitalize Camden and make it the vibrant city it used to be. I thought this internship would be a great opportunity to see a side of the non-profit world that I have never experienced before—the business side. I have loved my job so far because I have gotten to talk to some great residents of Camden and have also learned so much about running a non-profit. It has been a real eye-opener and has definitely changed my perspective and outlook on Camden, poverty, and life itself.
When did you arrive in Camden? How long will you be staying there this summer?
I actually started my internship in Berea, Kentucky where all the Shepherd Interns came together for an opening conference. Total, there are around 40 interns from Universities around the country, many coming from W&L. We all met at Berea College one of the partnering Universities and had an orientation for the summer. Then, on June 7th my two roommates and I drove all the way to Camden, NJ and started work on June 8th. I am spending a total of 8 weeks in Camden and will be going back to Lexington on August 1st for a closing conference. All of the Shepherd interns will meet back at W&L to give a report on their internships and share experiences. I will then be heading home, back to Texas, for a few weeks before coming back to school!
Where are you living right now? Will you be heading anywhere else?
I am living in the Rutgers-Camden campus graduate apartments. I share a four bedroom apartment with a kitchen and common room with my two roommates, Rob and Charlie, who also go to W&L. The apartment is actually almost exactly like the woodscreek apartments at W&L and is not too bad! It’s located in the “nicer” part of Camden and it has great security, which my parents were extremely happy about….
What does your normal day look like?
On a normal work day, I wake up around 7:30, get ready and walk to work. I have to get to work around 8:30. One of the main projects I am working on is a Home Improvement Program, so I spend much of the day interviewing potential residents for the program. The program is actually really neat. Through a lottery system, we give $20,000 dollar grants to homeowners to improve the safety, appearance, and livability of their home. In the interview, I basically help them fill out the application and make sure they turn in all the paperwork. It has been fun getting to know some of the Camden residents, and has probably been my favorite part of the internship. I am also working on some other miscellaneous projects including an analysis on a neighborhood that could use some housing improvements, and a large park plan. I usually finish work around 5:00 and walk home. I rest a little and then go work out of course! The Rutgers-Camden campus has a GREAT turf field that I have been using and I often run along the Camden waterfront promenade. Rob, Charlie and I then cook dinner and relax. There isn’t much to do in Camden (yet) so we have done some interesting things like dollar bowling, going to the Harry Potter premier, and going into Philly, which is only a 10 minute subway ride away.
What has been the best part of your internship so far?
The best part of my job has definitely been getting to meet some great residents in Camden. On the surface, Camden may look like a horrible, crime-ridden place, but if you get to really know the residents of Camden, you will find some really fascinating people who are working so hard to create a great life for them and their families. I have also loved getting to know my co-workers. They are so dedicated to Camden and I have learned so much from them. We also have a ton of fun in the office. Hah, sometimes I feel like I’m on a TV show while I’m there.
What has been the most challenging part of your job so far?
I’d say that the hardest part about working in Camden has been that there is so much to do to improve the city that it can get a little overwhelming. You could have so many great ideas about how to make Camden a better place, but working with the government and jumping through hoops can be challenging. You definitely have to remind yourself of the big picture and believe that every little bit helps so you don’t get bogged down. I’d say that seeing the reactions of homeowners when they find out that they have been randomly selected for our home improvement program, or after the improvements have been made and they are so happy with the results definitely helps remind me that we are making a difference.
Anything else that you want to pass on to your teammates or other blog readers?
Just that I can’t wait to see everyone in the fall!! I miss ya’ll and hope you’re having a GREAT summer!