Are you enjoying your second year of Law School at W&L?
Kate: I am enjoying my second year of law school. It is much busier than my first year because of extra-curricular activities, schoolwork and the job search. However, there are many advantages to having a year under my belt. Reading and writing gets accomplished much more quickly and efficiently and I'm enjoying the courses I chose to take this semester.
What are the biggest differences you see between living in Lexington as an undergrad and living here as a Law Student?
Kate: As a law student I find myself much less involved with the community and much more wrapped up in my schoolwork. I find that I rarely get time to visit the undergraduate side of campus because of all of the activities going on at the law school. Lexington is still a great place to study and live. I continue to feel safe and love its history.
What do you miss most about being an undergrad?
Kate: I miss having time to play two hours of sports everyday, of course! Along with that, I miss being a part of a team and living with my best friends and teammates. My years as an undergrad were much more carefree, but I still find time to have fun in law school. No worries!Have you made any new discoveries about Lexington now that you’re living here as a Law Student?
Kate: I have not made too many new discoveries because I was sure to do as much as possible as an undergrad. However, I did get a chance to go to the Lexington Wine Festival at Lenfest several weeks ago which was great! I also got out to Panther Falls several times while the weather was nice. Both activities I did not participate in as an undergrad.
What do you like to do in your free time/on weekends?
Kate: On weekends I spend most of my time with law school friends hanging out outdoors, watching football, playing Apples to Apples or cooking together. I take trips to Charlottesville and DC every once in awhile and make sure to stay active. Do you keep in touch with your ’06 Generals Lacrosse class?
Kate: Yes, I keep in touch with all of my '06 lacrosse class. They are actually the W&L alumnae that I keep in touch with the most because they are my best friends.
Have you thought much about plans after graduating Law School?
Kate: I have been forced to think about my plans after graduation because the job search for next summer has already begun. Last summer I was in Wilmington, Delaware working for a Superior Court Judge and I am leaning towards returning to that area to practice in the future. I will probably begin at a law firm that has practice areas in corporate and commercial litigation. I have become more and more interested in products liability litigation as well. Ultimately I have to wait and see how the job market fares over the next year. I would also love to clerk for a Judge again at some point.Anything else you’d like alums, current players, fans and blog readers to know?
Kate: Seven years at Washington & Lee will be a gift of significant proportion in the future and I will strive to use it to the best of my ability. So thankful that four of those years were filled with lacrosse! GO GENERALS!