1. Where are you in Med. School?
Christine: I am at University of New England, located on the southern coast of the great (and wintery) state of Maine.
2. Overall how has your first term gone?
Christine: I am at University of New England, located on the southern coast of the great (and wintery) state of Maine.
2. Overall how has your first term gone?
Christine: The first trimester went well. We are well into the second and it is hard to believe I am halfway through my first year. All in all I like school and have great classmates.
3. Have you thought about what concentration of medicine you'd like to focus on? Christine: I am interested in orthopedics and sports med. But I am keeping an open mind to everything at this point. I'll probably have a much better idea once I start rotations during my third year (so perhaps another blog entry then!)
4. Did you always know that you wanted to be a Doctor?
3. Have you thought about what concentration of medicine you'd like to focus on? Christine: I am interested in orthopedics and sports med. But I am keeping an open mind to everything at this point. I'll probably have a much better idea once I start rotations during my third year (so perhaps another blog entry then!)
4. Did you always know that you wanted to be a Doctor?
Christine: Hmmm. Well no, but I am not exactly sure when I figured that out. It had been in the back of my mind for several years but I always questioned whether or not it was something I actually wanted to pursue. Even last year I was still a little unsure about it. But fortunately I think it's been a good choice so far!

5. What do you do in your free time (if you have any!)?
Christine: Free time??? I am no longer familiar with that concept. But I guess I had been finding some time to run...mostly along the fabulous beach right by school. I also played some IM flag football throughout the fall...but that led to an unfortunate incident. I somehow managed to tear my ACL so I'm now having that surgery right before Christmas. Occassionally I would go home (only about an hour away) for a weekend to see the fam and dog and get some good meals. Immediately following a week of block exams, my class generally manages to have some fun...I won't bore you with details, but these are by far the best weekends. I was planning on getting a ski pass for the winter but looks like that plan has changed...guess it leaves more time for studying.

6. Have you kept up with Women's Lax Alumnae?

5. What do you do in your free time (if you have any!)?
Christine: Free time??? I am no longer familiar with that concept. But I guess I had been finding some time to run...mostly along the fabulous beach right by school. I also played some IM flag football throughout the fall...but that led to an unfortunate incident. I somehow managed to tear my ACL so I'm now having that surgery right before Christmas. Occassionally I would go home (only about an hour away) for a weekend to see the fam and dog and get some good meals. Immediately following a week of block exams, my class generally manages to have some fun...I won't bore you with details, but these are by far the best weekends. I was planning on getting a ski pass for the winter but looks like that plan has changed...guess it leaves more time for studying.

6. Have you kept up with Women's Lax Alumnae?
Christine: Yup. Mostly the 08'ers...a classy bunch.
7. What's the biggest thing you miss about W&L and/or Lexington?
Christine: Hmmm...Utah, lax, Goshen, the colonnade, warm weather, the Chessie trail, Lex Coffee, our field, spring term (we dont exactly have that here)....I'm sure the list could go on.
8. Anything else you'd like Generals fans, players, parents and alumnae to know?
Christine: Well yes. A bunch of my classmates and I are going on a Medlife trip to Peru this summer. We basically hire a local doctor there and set up clinics in different villages each day where we treat the locals. In the past, it has been a huge success and hundreds of people line up at these clinics to get treatment they might not otherwise receive. It is an incredible opportunity to get clinical exposure and see things medically that we will probably otherwise never get to see in the US. Anyway, we have to raise money for trip costs and medical supplies to take with us, so if anyone would be willing to donate to this trip, I would be very appreciative. Donations can be made at: https://owa.wlu.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=8ea52d7f61f648e2b88152bb643740c4&URL=https%3a%2f%2fwww.paypal.com%2fcgi-bin%2fwebscr%3fcmd%3d_s-xclick%26hosted_button_id%3d10633843
Thanks and happy holidays!!!
7. What's the biggest thing you miss about W&L and/or Lexington?
Christine: Hmmm...Utah, lax, Goshen, the colonnade, warm weather, the Chessie trail, Lex Coffee, our field, spring term (we dont exactly have that here)....I'm sure the list could go on.
8. Anything else you'd like Generals fans, players, parents and alumnae to know?
Christine: Well yes. A bunch of my classmates and I are going on a Medlife trip to Peru this summer. We basically hire a local doctor there and set up clinics in different villages each day where we treat the locals. In the past, it has been a huge success and hundreds of people line up at these clinics to get treatment they might not otherwise receive. It is an incredible opportunity to get clinical exposure and see things medically that we will probably otherwise never get to see in the US. Anyway, we have to raise money for trip costs and medical supplies to take with us, so if anyone would be willing to donate to this trip, I would be very appreciative. Donations can be made at: https://owa.wlu.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=8ea52d7f61f648e2b88152bb643740c4&URL=https%3a%2f%2fwww.paypal.com%2fcgi-bin%2fwebscr%3fcmd%3d_s-xclick%26hosted_button_id%3d10633843
Thanks and happy holidays!!!