It was a great weekend to be a General! We hosted our annual Fall Play Day on Saturday, October 2nd. Christopher Newport University, Roanoke College, Swarthmore College and the University of Mary Washington all joined us for a beautiful day in Lexington filled with awesome competition.

The Generals played four 30 minute scrimmages and looked strong in all of them. Our veteran upperclassmen held it down on the turf, reminding fans of the success of last season and exciting them for what is to come in 2011. The many First-Years gave an impressive performance in their first ever intercollegiate competition.

We had the support of friends and family, including one very special supporter, Maggie. She and her family joined us for our last scrimmage and for a tailgate put on by the parents afterwards. It was great to see her and for our First-Years to get to meet her and her family.
We're excited for our last Fall Ball date this weekend - the Generals take on Generals' Alumnae! It's hard to believe four weeks of practice have already flown by - just means we are that much closer to the spring!