Today we launched our very own Facebook page!

While the blog will continue to be updated each week with stories, profiles, and information, our Facebook page will offer the avid Generals fan another kind of look inside the world of the women's lacrosse team. One of the exciting things that will show more prominently on the Facebook page will be videos. If you head over to W&L Women's Lacrosse right now you can see Caroline Kingsbery in an impromptu chat. And make sure to "Like" us while you're there!
For those of you out there who are as excited as we are for the launch of our Facebook page, get even more excited because the Generals will be Tweeting as soon as Monday January 23rd! Followers on Twitter will have even more inside access as the Generals will be Tweeting even more often than we update our Facebook page and blog!
We hope that all of our avid blog readers will contiue to enjoy the blog as well as join us on Facebook and Twitter. Make sure to check the Facebook page or the blog for our Twitter name on Monday January 23rd as we kick off the season with our first practice!
Next week the blog goes inside the start of the 2012 season!