The 7am departure time and the windy, chilly conditions may not have been ideal for a day of scrimmages at Catholic University, but the Generals didn't let anything stop them from having a productive day up in the nation's capital.
The day started with the Generals facing off against Division II Holy Family from outside of Philidelphia. W&L came out on top at the end of 2 twenty minute running time halves only to head straight into the next game against St. Mary's of Maryland.

Sophomore attacker, Greta Witter, finishes a low shot for a goal.
The Generals were again able to come out with a win over St. Mary's despite having numb fingers and toes!
After a quick break filled with friends, family, alums, and a great food spread, the girls were back on the field to finish the day against the home team, Catholic University. The Cardinals were able to come out on top after one thirty minute period and one ten minute situational session with random yellow cards being thrown to work on the new man up man down rules. The Generals were able to capitalize on almost every possession but were unable to put all the pieces together.
Senior goalkeeper, Jennifer Linder, preps for a save.
We are incredibly greatful for all the support we received on a pretty unpleasant day from families from near and far, as well as some of our local alums.
The Generals' support section toughs out the wind and cold with gusto!
After the games were finished the girls jumped on the bus for a quick trip up into Maryland for a team meal at the Benedetti's house.
After three scrimmages, the girls deserved a little something to eat!
Enjoying each other's company and some great food before heading back to Lexington!
A big thank you to all the family, friends, and alums who came out to support us this weekend. Also, thank you to the Bendetti's for opening up their home to 22 exhuasted girls, 3 tired coaches, and a frozen trainer. Thank yous and photo credits to Bob Ramsey... check out the Facebook page for more shots from the scrimmages! Next week we head to CNU and get lots of lax time as we head into February break; check the blog to see what the Generals are doing to keep busy while school isn't in session!