Another busy week of games for the Generals and a lot of time spent in the library prepping for exams that start Saturday. As we head into our final game today before the exam break, we wanted to introduce you to our final first year...
- Name: Kirby Taylor
- Year: Freshman
- Position: Midfield
- Major: Undecided

One of my best friends and teammates, Cara Mulligan, before this year's Mock Con Gala.
5. Where do you live on campus? Graham-Lees
6. Favorite lacrosse memory? In one of our important high school games, I was guarding the girl in the midfield and I dropped my stick. For some reason I will never understand myself, I kept running after the girl- without my stick. It’s on film, and my team replayed it three times before they could control their laughter. It is actually one of my worst memories, and probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, and I am definitely not easily embarrassed. However, I am laughing just thinking about it now; I just hope I never do it again.
7. Goals for 2012: I would like to win ODAC’s and really live up to our potential; we have so much skill on our team. I think that as long as we put in the effort, we can accomplish great things, and that’s what I want to do. I love being a part of a team, especially when we truly have our hearts in it.
One of my best friends and former teammate from high school, Kristen Carr, and I. Kristen is one of the funniest people alive; I will be rooting for her on the Cornell lax team.
8. What do you miss most from home? I really miss my family. My dad and I are really close and spent so much time together; he never missed a lacrosse tournament or a cross-country race and was and still is always my biggest fan. My little sister and I are best friends and I really miss hanging out with her. I have four siblings, and my grandparents live with us, so my house was always loud and crazy, no matter what time of the day it was; it was always entertaining.
9. Favorite thing about W&L? I really love the campus. I always thought I would want to go to school on the water, which is almost an opposite scenery from W&L. When I came to visit though and saw how beautiful it was to look into the mountains from the playing fields, I thought it was so cool and peaceful.
Some of the sweetest kids I've ever met while on a mission trip to Honduras this past summer.
10. If you could have a super power what would it be? I would read peoples' minds. I would only do it when I wanted to though, because I would go crazy if I always knew what everyone was thinking. I would consider myself an awkward, however friendly person at times, so it would be nice to pick up on some social cues every once in a while.
Thanks to Kirby for some great answers and pictures! Kirby and the rest of the Generals head to Bridgewater today for an in conference match up before turning their focus to winter term exams. Check the blog next week as we introduce the final member of our coaching staff!