Christina Benedetti '12- I am thankful for Harry Potter, Justin Bieber, and musicals (aka Glee and High School Musical).
Adele Irwin '15- I am thankful for my parents.
Emily Hardy '15- I am thankful for my family and all they've done to help me get to W&L. I'm also thankful for everyone's safe travels back to Lex!
Maddie McKaig '12- I'm thankful for having someone who cares as much about me as I do for him. And if you're thinking I'm talking about my boyfriend, you're wrong. I'm thinking of my cat, Mr. Waffles.
Taylor Zusi '14- I am thankful for my family and my dogs.
Cara Mulligan '15- I am thankful for Sarah Gray having all the seasons of Gilmore Girls and also for my new lax teammates!!
Sammy Yates '15- I am thankful for my family's good health.
Alli Shearin '12- I'm thankful for my dogs, Pup and Rus, and for all of the joy that they bring me!
Kirby Taylor '15- I am thankful for the abundance of food in my fridge and pantry (especially peanut butter and fig newtons) and a large family.
Meredith Lavin '14- I am thankful for my family and all the support they provide me.

Leanne Stone '14- I am thankful for my two suite-mates Olive and Alice. I am thankful for their health and their extremely positive attitudes through tough recoveries from surgery.
Ashley Barnes '13- I'm thankful for my big brother and that I got to hang out with him over break.
Lauren Acker '12- I'm thankful for my family, I'm thankful for all of the seniors, and I'm thankful to be a general!
Alex Van Horn '14- I am thankful for my WONDERFUL roommate Meade.
Meade Brewster '14- I am thankful for my roommate.
Katie Lotterman '15- I'm thankful for my friends and family!
Elizabeth Bucklee '13- I am thankful for family and friends, both near and far, and for Skype, Facebook, and email that keep us in touch. I am also thankful for things like popcorn, grapes without seeds, Caesar salad, Chipotle, and the list continues...
Katie McCartin '15- I am thankful for all my family and friends and the opportunity to lax with some pretty cool people at W&L.
Jennifer Linder '12- I am thankful for the laughs my family enjoyed when my dog tried whipped cream for the first time.
Greta Witter '14- I am thankful for my brothers, all my lax pals, and my new nose.
Sarah Gray Erickson '15- I'm thankful for my family and all my new friends at school especially Adele.
The coaching staff is especially thankful for such a great team and all of their safe returns to campus following what sounds like a very thankful break! Visit the blog next week as we introduce another member of the class of 2014!