1. Name: Olive Waxter
2. Year: 2014
3. Position: Defense
4. Major: Biology (Pre-Med) Minoring in Environmental
5. Where do you live on campus? Gaineslyfe!
6. Favorite memory of last season? We were sent to Lee Chapel as a team and were suppose to touch the doors and then run back. One of our most competitive players, Caroline Kingsberry, took a "short cut" down one of the steepest hills. She was in fact very far ahead of everyone, but as she turned around to encourage and push all of us (which really was trash talking) she fell face first into a huge mud puddle. The entire team was laughing and teasing CK (after making sure she was ok) as she got up and shook it off and laughed along with us. It was one of those moments that replay in your mind over and over again, so as the run continued down the hill to Lee Chapel (which is a tougher run than one might think) the entire team was smiling from ear to ear. Of course CK was right back up and back in the front of the pack in no time, but this was just one of those times where we were working at our 100% level as a unit and still were having a blast. It's what out lacrosse team is all about. It is amazing to me how much our team laughs and plays because each on of us is more competitive than the other, we push each other to places we would never have thought of going.
7. Goals for 2012? FINAL FOUR HERE WE COME! With one year under the sophomores' belt, our class is hungry for more. Being so close to defeating Salisbury as freshmen really proved to all of us that this team can be as strong as we want it to be. Our upperclassmen showed us how to work, and now we are 100% ready to work, no excuses. Our class is the biggest returning class, and if we step up and bring all the freshmen along board, we will have a team that will do what it takes to win. The upperclassmen will continue to push us as we grow into the players they expect us to be.
8. What do you miss most from home? My dogs! Dogs are really an amazing part of peoples' lives in the way they interact with us and shape us. I can talk to my family all the time, but you really become separated from a dog since the only way to communicate with them is to play fetch or indulge them and allow them to sleep on your bed every once and a while (every night).
9. Favorite thing about W&L? I love the atmosphere that W&L creates. Just as an example: being part of the pre-med program is a big job, but you'd be surprised at just how community oriented the program is. At bigger schools the competition is really intense among students, but at W&L there is a lot of collaboration and helping each other along. In the changing medical world, the ability to work well with others is going to be very important. I think that the small size of the school makes everyone feel more comfortable and more at ease simply because there are familiar faces everywhere. The teachers are absolutely fabulous as well. I feel like I have a huge amount of people who really just want me to do well and succeed which is something that not every school has.
10. If you could have a super power what would it be? Teleport defeinitely! Teleporting is the ultimate super power because you can also fly and basically be invisible. You can teleport in the air and then teleport in the air further and you're basically flying. You can teleport into a room where you can't be seen either and if you get in trouble you just teleport out. Plus, it would be really easy to travel.
Thanks to Olive for filling us in on W&L and making a compelling argument for teleporting being the best super power. Good luck to all of our Generals as they head into finals week and make sure to visit the blog next week to meet another sophomore General!