After patiently waiting her turn, we introduce to you Katie McCartin!
1. Name: Katie McCartin
2. Year: First Year
3. Position: Defense
4. Major: Hopefully a business and business journalism double major.

My family at my graduation!
6. Favorite lacrosse memory? My favorite memory at W&L so far is definitely from our last small sided games competition; Hagen brought us all the creepiest/most absurd masks ever to wear (see picture) and our team went from last to second place.
Small sided games team!
7. Goals for 2012? Get good grades and make it to the final four!!
8. What do you miss most from home? Besides the obvious, my family and my best friends, I miss all the places to shop and go out to eat.
9. Favorite thing about W&L? It's hard to pick one thing. I would have to say how friendly and welcoming everyone is; the transition to college was really easy. I also love all the old traditions here.
Some of us freshmen laxers in D.C. before aviici!
10. If you could have a super power what would it be? Mind reading
Thanks to Katie for waiting so patiently and for being so excited to finally have her day in the lime light! Next week, we continue to move through our big group of first years!