1. Name: Sammy Yates
2. Year: Freshman
3. Position: Midfield
4. Major: Undecided
Me and my family!
5. Where do you live on campus? 4th floor Graham-Lees... aka why I haven't gained the freshman 100 (those stairs are killer).
6. Favorite lacrosse memory? My senior year in high school when we beat our biggest rivals, Moorestown. It was the first time my high school had beat them in history. We went on to play them again in the state championship and beat them 10-9. Words cannot even describe the experience; it still gives me chills today.
My teammates and I after our first win against Moorestown!
7. Goals for 2012: To have FUN!! I definitely am looking forward to playing Gettysburg and hope to win that game. And I think it would be sick to make it to the final four, but the important thing for our team is to remember to have fun while doing it.
8. What do you miss most from home? MY DOG! My golden retriever Bailey is my best pal. He's definitely my mom's favorite kid (cause he literally is human) and it's so weird not being able to see him every day. I miss him so much!

My dog Bailey playing in the snow this winter!
9. Favorite thing about W&L? The small class sizes. You really have the opportunity to know your teachers and you don't get lost in classes of 100+ people like at big schools.
10. If you could have a super power what would it be? If I could have a super power it would probs be the ability to teleport slash time travel. Teleporting is just awesome and I would use time traveling to go back in time to experience things in history that I wasn't alive for (my first stop would be Woodstock). And I would travel to the future to see if we ever ride around in space ships. I also would want to travel to outer space and go to different planets.
Thank you Sammy for your great answers and pictures to boot! This weekend the Generals are finally hoping to play a home game on Watt Field as Catholic comes to town for a big in region game!