Monday, March 15, 2010

Meet the First-Years: Mary Jennings Van Sant '13

We're back to introducing the First-Years after a great win this weekend over Mary Washington! Here is a little bit about First-Year M.J. Van Sant, (Chevy Chase, MD / Taft School) and how she's enjoying W&L, Lexington and playing lacrosse with her older sister this year:

1.What made you choose W&L?
MJ: My uncle, brother, and sister all went to W&L so I was always familiar with the school. During the college process I was tentative about coming here because I felt like I would just be following my siblings yet again, instead of having my own college experience. However, after I took my campus tour and was able to meet some of the students and professors I knew that this school would be the perfect fit. I loved the fact that the small amount of students enabled students to have closer relationships with their professors, and provided a close community feel. I was also very impressed with the importance of the honor code and traditions at this school.
2.How is your second semester going so far?
My second semester is going well. It is challenging to balance lacrosse practice and our game schedule with academics, but it is definitely rewarding because I really enjoy all of my courses.
3. What is the hardest thing you’ve had to adjust to as a college freshman?
For high school I went to boarding school so I was already used to living away from home. I had already learned to adjust to the typical hard changes that many college freshman face their first year. However, at boarding school there was a strict daily schedule for all students and my time was pretty much planned out for me. So for me the hardest thing I've had to adjust to is learning how to arrange my schedule and time given the additional free time, the difficult workload, and lacrosse. It's taken a little while, but I think I've finally learned how to balance everything!
4.What’s been the easiest?
The easiest thing i've had to adjust to is being together with my sister Ellie again and going to school with my cousin Cooper Brown. It is so great to have family here and to know that you have people who will be there for you no matter what. It has also been very easy to meet so many new friends and professors because of the great community that W&L provides.
5.What are your hobbies outside of lacrosse?
Outside of lacrosse I love to spend time with my friends, volunteer whenever possible, play squash, and explore the beautiful Lexington countryside. Away from school my hobbies also include fly fishing, and hunting.
6. Where do you live on campus?
I live on the 4th floor of Graham Lees and am loving it!
7.Where is your favorite place to eat in Lexington?
Definitely the Bistro because of their amazing bread and house salad, but I also love the Woods Creek Grocery.
8.Is Lexington a lot different than where you’re from?
Yes, Lexington is a lot different because I am from the Washington D.C area. Although I miss some of the opportunities that a city provides, I am really enjoying the countryside. It is so amazing to be able to drive around the Lexington area on a nice day and see the beautiful scenery.
9.What are you most excited for this season?
MJ: I'm very excited about having the opportunity to become a part of a group of under and upperclassmen on a daily basis. It has been so great to be able to get to know the older players and I cannot wait to get even closer with the older players as well as the other freshmen as the season progresses. I am also really looking forward to being able to play on a team with my sister again because she has been such a great role model for me.