Monday, February 1, 2010

Meet the First-Years: Ashley Barnes '13

This season we have some awesome new members of our team. We'll start by introducing First-Year Defender Ashley Barnes (Annapolis, MD/St. Mary's HS):

1. What made you choose W&L?
I get asked this question all the time and I never know what to say. I don't know what particularly drew me to W&L but I'm really glad to be here. I pretty much love everything about this school! I love that I can see the mountains from my window, all of my professors know my name, that I can leave my stuff anywhere and no one will take it and I love all of our quirky traditions. Over break I forgot that the speaking tradition isnt exactly normal behavior, so when I visited my grandma she kept telling me to stop talking to strangers and told me I should carry pepper spray in case people tried to talk to me.

2. How is your second semester going so far?
Ashley: Second semester has been great so far. I'm really enjoying all my classes.

3. What is the hardest thing you’ve had to adjust to as a college freshman? Ashley: Waking myself up. I am not a morning person. I usually have to set 5 alarms and sometimes still sleep through them all. During field hockey season I missed the bus once. I felt awful, but luckily the trip was cancelled because of the weather. That was a relief.

4. Whats been the easiest? Ashley: Ten O'Clock classes. I had three last semester and it was amazing.

5. What are your hobbies outside of lacrosse/field hockey? Ashley: I love reading and running. I also really like working with kids. For the past two summers I've had the oportunity to work with intellectually disabled kids and had a great time. They're starting a special olympics program in Lexington so I'm hoping to get involved in that.

6. Where do you live on campus? Ashley: I live on the 4th floor of Gilliam. It's a blast

7. Where is your favorite place to eat in Lexington? Ashley: The healthy foods co-op. They have the best rice cakes and vegan cookies. Their french onion soup is pretty delicious too.

8. Is Lexington a lot different than where you’re from? Ashley: The downtown of Annapolis is quaint and historic kind of like Lex. And its home to the Naval Academy so I always see mids running around in uniforms like the vmies do. But, the greater Annapolis area is a bit more urban.

9. What are you most excited for this season? Ashley: I'm so excited to be a part of the team. Everyone has been so welcoming and friendly. It's hard to believe that less than a year ago I was watching the team play and thinking wow these girls are awesome and now I get to play with them. I am just thrilled to be on the team.