Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Meet the First-Years! Kelsey Cotter

We're practicing hard and ready for our biggest matchup of the year at Roanoke this Thursday.

Check out some great action shots from Lacrosse Magazine.

This week we're introducing First-Year mid-fielder Kelsey Cotter (Roanoke, VA/Salem HS).
1. When did you first know that you wanted to come to school and play lacrosse at W&L?
Kelsey:I first fell in love with W&L before junior year in high school during the summer lacrosse camp. After meeting the team and seeing the campus it seemed like the perfect fit.
2. You’re only a short trip down the road from home (Roanoke) – has that made it easier or harder to adjust to life away from home?
Kelsey:Living close to home has made my time at W&L even better because my family has been able to come to fun events here, especially home games.
3. Who is your number one idol?
Kelsey:My number one idol is definitely my Dad. I have learned so much just by watching how he conducts himself inside and outside of our house with poise and humility that reflects his character and matches his incredible work ethic. I am very proud to be his daughter!
4. What is your favorite class this semester?
Kelsey:My favorite class this semester is Italian.
5. Do you have plans for the summer?
Kelsey:This summer, my Mom and I are visiting Rome, Florence, and the Amalfi Coast to do some sight seeing and practice speaking Italian.
6. What’s your favorite thing about being a Generals’ Lax player?
Kelsey:I love that I get to spend at least two hours every day with my closest friends on campus and that we’re all pushing each other to be better athletes and better people.
7. Who’s your biggest fan?
Kelsey:I would have to say that I have two great fans, my brothers Joe and Paddy. They would never miss an opportunity to cheer me on in anything I do.
8. What do you miss about high school?
Kelsey:I miss the schoolwork that I thought was difficult and am now realizing was very easy!
9. Anything else you’d like Generals fans, players or parents to know?
Kelsey:Thank you parents for all of the amazing tailgates!