Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Meet the Generals - Sophomore Margaret Klein

This week we get to peak into the life of sophomore attacker, Margaret Klein.

Some laxers hanging out during Homecoming Weekend.

1. Name: Maragaret Klein

2. Year: Sophomore

3. Position: Attack

4. Major: Business Administration and French

5. Where do you live on campus? I live in Gaines Hall.

The Dirty Dozen (freshmen class) as ODAC Champs!

6. Favorite memory of last season: My favorite memory of last season is winning the ODAC championship. Being able to play Roanoke, one of our biggest rivals, and beat them for a second time during the season was a great feeling. I also loved being with the team on and off the field, especially all of our team dinners.

7. Goals for 2012: My goals for this season are to go undefeated in the ODAC, win the ODAC championships, and make it past the second round of the NCAA tournament. And also to beat Salisbury after our close loss to them in the second round of NCAAs.

My family and me at graduation.

8. What do you miss most from home? I miss my two dogs, Brownie and Maddie, and my Mom's cooking!

9. Favorite thing about W&L? My favorite thing about W&L is the sense of community and trust that defines the campus, and there is so much tradition that we continue to uphold. I also love being able to play a sport in college!

Leanne, Kirby, and Me on Parent's Weekend.

10. If you could have a super power what would it be? I would want the ability to fly. I always have dreams that I'm flying and I want to be able to do it in real life!

A big thanks to Marge for sharing her survey with us this week. Next week the blog gets in the holiday spirit with pictures from the Generals' Christmas party!