Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Generals' Reviews - Stop In

This week may not be your traditional restaurant review, but still one of the Generals' favorites!  Julia VanSant '15 fills us in on the Stop In Food Store!

Stop In is a food store located in the Exxon gas station in Lexington town. While this may seem like your typical fast food and snack place, it is visited frequently by W&L students and is famous for its hot dogs. 

Stop In is a quick walk from the GL dorms and main campus. Not only are these hot dogs some of the best hot dogs I've had (hot dogs happen to be one of my favorite foods, so I am a tough critic) but they also only cost 97 cents per hot dog! Therefore, it is an inexpensive and quick way to enjoy a delicious meal! This station is a self serve station with condiments such as ketchup, mustard, relish, and onions- your typical hot dog toppings. You can choose bun or no bun. 
Sarah Gray Erickson '15 on a late night study break at Stop In!

There is nothing better than grabbing a hot dog before floating down the Maury river or making a trip to Panther Falls- trips that the Gennies lacrosse team loves to do! While Stop In is famous for its hot dogs, they sell many different items in addition. For example, Sammy Yates, a mid fielder for the Generals, loves their beef jerky in addition to their hot dogs. 

If you're interested in checking it out here is the exact address and phone number:
Stop In #44
113 North Main Street
Lexington, VA 24450
Phone: 540-463-5157
Thanks to Julia for filling us in on a slightly off the beaten path food spot in Lexington!