Wednesday, January 25, 2012

2012 is Under Way and Meet the Players - First Year Catherine Klinedinst

Only two days into the 2012 season and the Generals have already hit the ground running!  The whole team has completed their strength tests in the weight room, started to put our basic defensive and attacking principles into place, and has just gone 100% at practice each day.  Yesterday we were even treated to a little preview of what the weather may be like in a few months (see picture below)!  While we aren't expecting to be able to pass around in t-shirts every day of preseason, we definitely aren't complaining!

Now, the blog would like to present first year Generals lacrosse and field hockey player, Catherine Klinedinst...

1.  Name: Catherine Klinedinst
2.  Year:  Freshman
3.  Position:  Attack
4.  Major:  Undecided
Me and my family

5.  Where do you live on campus?  3rd floor Graham Lees... it's unreal.
6.  Favorite lacrosse memory?  My freshman year in high school.  I was on varsity with girls who were ten time better than I was, which was intimidating at first, but playing with them helped me improve so much.  The best thing about that year by far was my coach, Alivian Jorgenson.  She's the greatest coach I've ever had and is one of the main reasons I decided I wanted to play in college.

Me and some field hockey teammates

7.  Goals for 2012?  To have good time management.  Since I played field hockey in the fall, I know how important that is.  I also really want to win ODACs and beat Gettysburg.
8.  What do you miss most from home?  Definitely mom's cooking, my church, and my CAR (shout out to my parents... Let me have my car please)!

My dad and I at W&L when I was a baby

9.  Favorite thing about W&L?  Literally everything... The environment of the school is so friendly and I get to have academics, athletics, and fun!  I could honestly go on for hours about how much I love it here.
10.  If you could have a super power what would it be?  I wish I had the ability to buy clothes and have it cost no money.  Flying would also be cool.

Thank you to Catherine for sharing some great information and an even better picture that I'm sure the W&L public relations office would love to get their hands on!