Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Meet the Generals - First Year Cara Mulligan

After a big win over Stevenson on Saturday 10-8 that featured great play by a lot of our first years, we thought it only fitting to introduce our freshman shot stopper to you all!

1. Name: Cara Mulligan
2. Year: 2015
3. Position: Goalie
4. Major: Possibly Business Administration/Accounting

 Some frandz hanging out!

5. Where do you live on campus? Graham-Lees 426 with Sarah Gray - holla at us!!
6. Favorite lacrosse memory? As a senior, my high school team won the Group I State Final for the first time ever!  In the same day, the boys' team also took the state title.  It was an incredible day for both teams and our town as a whole.
7. Goals for 2012? My biggest goal for the team is to push ourselves further than we think we can.  As a personal goal, I need to get down for those low shots and also work on communicating with the team on the defensive end.
 Some laxas looking nice for dinner!

8. What do you miss most from home? Hanging out with my family, my mom's cooking and REAL bagels.
9. Favorite thing about W&L? How small the classes are and the ability to wake up ten minutes before class but still be on time!
10. If you could have a super power what would it be? Definitely would be the ability to travel back in time/teleport places.

Some of the family during the summa!

Thanks to Cara, specifically for such great captions spoken in true Cara fashion!  The team heads to F&M this weekend for another overnight road trip.  Check the blog next week as one of our first years who has been patiently waiting to be introduced makes her debut on the blog!