Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Meet the Generals - First Year Sarah Gray Erickson

This week the blog highlights First Year midfielder Sarah Gray Erickson with her player profile.

1. Name: Sarah Gray Erickson
2. Year: 2015
3. Position: Midfield
4. Major: Undecided, but probably Business with a minor in Poverty Studies

My sister and I on top of Grey's Peak - 14,270 ft!

5. Where do you live on campus?  Graham-Lees 4th floor... biggest room in the dorm!  Shout out to my roomz Cara Mulligan.
6. Favorite lacrosse memory?  The spring break trip to San Francisco my senior year of high school.  It was so exciting to be in such a fun city with my team, as well as beating some of our biggest competition in the West.
7. Goals for 2012:  Not to lose my swipe card!  But also have a lot of fun with my new team and have a successful season!

 My besties and lax friends Cara and Kirby!

8. What do you miss most from home?  I really miss my family and my house.  I also miss seeing the Rocky Mountains every time I faced West!
9. Favorite thing about W&L?  Everything about this school is incredible.  It is so beautiful, the people are awesome, the classes are interesting and everything else is fun!  I can't pick one favorite thing about this school!

My family and I over Parent's Weekend.

10. If you could have a super power what would it be?  Teleporting - how cool would it be to go wherever you want whenever you want?

Thanks to SG for her candid answers!  Check back next week to hear about our first scrimmages (and our first bus trip) up at Catholic!