Thursday, July 5, 2012

This Week In Lexington

In case you haven't been following the news down in Lexington lately, we wanted to update you on a bit of the craziness that has gone on this week!  

We have gone from...

 torrential rain, winds, and hail, causing serious traffic heading out through VMI to...

 some pretty serious damage to a lot of trees and power lines in the area.

 Not to worry dads, the golf course is back up and running just missing a few key spots of shade now!  Many people in the area lost power at the end of the week and still do not have it back.  W&L and VMI have both opened their doors for showers for those in the community without water.  VMI is also a designated cooling center.  While most of campus and both lacrosse coaches' houses survived the storm without any real damage, Baner is sweating his butt off trying to get things ready for everyone's return to campus even though the stadium is still without power!

While the beginning of the week really rained down on us with more thunderstorms, by the time the 4th rolled around the only noises coming from the sky were the fireworks!

These photos were taken from one of our players' favorite spots in Lexington... the Pink Hut parking lot!  Little did I know that it was a premier spot to watch the fireworks from until the parking lot was more full than I have ever seen it as the sun began to set!  While the real estate was great for watching a pretty fantastic display, the line at Pink Hut was a little long, so I thought it best to indulge in another one of our players' favorite spots in Lexington...

We hope that everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July, and we also hope that everyone in the area who is struggling through this heat without power and water quickly have things returned to normal!